Dizang Bodhisattva Dharma Assembly
We will be having the Dizang Bodhisattva Dharma Assembly in the Dizang Hall (Mausoleum) on September 5th (Sunday) starting at 10:00am, and ends at 3:00pm. There will be chanting of the “The Scripture Concerning Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s Fundamental Vows” by the monastics. The blessing candles and the candles for the departed will be lit during the service. With merits received from this service, we wish peace, happiness for all beings.
The Scripture Concerning Ksitigarbha Bodhisttva’s Fundamental Vowsis a lecture given in the Mahayana Sutra. The scripture describes Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s efforts, before he became a Bodhisattva; to rescue his mother and all sentient beings from suffering. He had vowed: “I wish to be rid of all my future aeons (equivalent to 16,800,000 years of human years) and make it easier for all sentient beings who are suffering to cease their suffering,” and “to guide all sentient beings so that they may attain perfect wisdom (enlightenment).” The purpose of this scripture is to teach all sentient beings to understand cause and effect and the truth of the universe, to induce wisdom, and to exalt filial piety. One can say that in Buddhism this scripture is about filial piety.
For those who have their relatives or friends’ ashes or permanent tablet placed at Dizang Hall, this is a great opportunity for you to commemorate them, to transfer and share your merits with all beings. We welcome you and your family, relatives and friends to participate in this Dharma Assembly. Vegetarian lunch will be served. Cost: By Donation
Mid-America Buddhist Association
2010 Dizang Dharma Assembly Blessing Candles Registration Form
1. Blessing Candles: Candle will be lit from 9/1/2010 to 9/5/2010. Total of 5 days, each candle lit is limited to two names, $30 per candle lit.
Name of Blessing Candle Lit (1) Name of Blessing Candle Lit (2)
Blessing Candle 1 _______________________ , ___________________________
Blessing Candle 2_______________________ , ___________________________
2. Candles for the Departed: Candle will be lit from 9/1/2010 to 9/5/2010. Total of 5 days, each candle lit is limited to two names, $30 per candle lit.
Name of Blessing Candle Lit (1) Name of Blessing Candle Lit (2)
Deceased Candle 1 _______________________ , ___________________________
Deceased Candle 2 _______________________ , ___________________________
Please make check payable to MABA. Please fill in the form and send together with the check to MABA, 299 Heger Lane, Augusta, MO 63332 on or before 9/2/2010 for our preparation purpose.
(Cash) (Check) #
Applicant Name: _________________________Tel: (_____)________________Total Amount: $________________.
Received By: ___________________________Receipt # :_____________________Date: ________/________/2010
美中佛教會 謹啟
2010 年地藏法會點燈登記表
一、 祈福消災平安燈:點燈日期從九月一日至九月五日【農曆七月二十三日至七月二十七
點燈者姓名(一) 點燈者姓名(二)
平安燈 1__________________________ ,_____________________________
平安燈 2__________________________ ,_____________________________
往生者姓名(一) 往生者姓名(二)
往生燈 1__________________________ ,_____________________________
往生燈 2__________________________ ,_____________________________
支票擡頭請寫 MABA。請於九月二日前墳妥本表,連同支票一起寄回MABA, 299 Heger
Lane, Augusta, MO 63332以便作業。謝謝您。
) (
) #
填表人:_________________ 電話:(_____) ______________ 總金額:$___________。
收款經手人:_________________收據號碼﹕____________收款日期:____/____/ 2010
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